Thursday, January 10, 2008

Become famous! Wait... Get an e-mail read on the air and then become famous!

With the help of my friends at The Bert Show on Q-100, we are going to be reading some of the e-mails you've sent me over the air periodically and answering your "ask the dude" questions with a real live 100% certified dude.

E-mail me at for all your "guy-to-girl" translations, outside opinions, or just to tell me I'm full of shit. It could get on the air! But it absolutely will get an answer. And isn't that what we're all looking for anyway? An answer? ::sigh::

As there are lots of guys out there, be sure to give me an idea of what kind of guy you are dealing with. I don't want to mistag my marks here.

Blake assures you he was using his "radio voice" as he was typing this update. If he had a $50 gift certificate to Outback Steak House he would be taking callers at the moment.