I have to apoligize. I have been wrapped up in a whirlwind of women the last month and have neglected my duties as your stalwart blogger. (By whirlwind... I mean two women... but I wanted to roll with that whole alliteration thing... I promise, I really don't think I'm that "cool.")
I had been seeing this older woman I met over a month or so back and was starting to get bored. The girl (or woman I guess...) has several to quite-a-few years on me which means absolutely nothing, however, in these several to quite-a-few years she had racked up a very serious ex-fiance, a home she owns and has had for like 5 years outside the perimeter(OTP... Great...) and that whole "let's just hang in tonight" attitude on a Friday or Saturday that is fine on occasion, but just isn't where I'm at every weekend.
Now, this should have been a no-brainer. I should have walked away once it was apparent we weren't right for each other right now. But my god... this girl is seriously stunning. As a single heterosexual man who can produce a long line of expert witnesses to that fact, I don't use the word "stunning" to describe women very often. Usually the women I date are conventually pretty. I say "conventually" only because when I turn to the dudes around me and say "isn't she freaking hot?!" they answer, "Dude, she's pretty..." (That is guy talk for "dude calm down, she doesn't do it for me but I see where you're coming from") Now for this girl, I didn't even feel comfortable saying the word "hot."
I simply said, "Dude... this girl is serious beautiful."
To which they replied. "Dude... she is freaking ridiculously beautiful."
See how that works? Maybe you aren't supposed to. I can't really over-analyze it but I think it has something to do with whether I think you're hot, whether every guy in the room thinks you're hot, or whether my female friends would approve. This girl had all my friends trying to tuck in their shirts, use words like "pardon me" and try to act like they opened a book once or twice. That's "stunning." Not "hot" which has everyone tripping over themselves trying to impress you... Stunning.
So yeah, I was trapped. Bored out of my mind, trying to convince her to get down to Atlanta once and a while, and fighting the neverending assault of "movie at home" nights... at HER home... with HER Doctor Doolittle army of pets...
But I kept getting pulled back in. I kept thinking (and was probably right to do so) that it was all me. I'm the one not acting my age right? Hell, my little brother is already married, has a house OTP, and has "barbeques" instead of "house parties." Why shouldn't I??? Sometimes a guy can convince himself that it's his "show" to end. I was seriously under the impression that even though she was the better looking of the two of us, I was the "catch" in the situation. That old ego creeping up again. What's up with that? I remember when I was trying to pick her up at Fado's "The Pub" I was pulling out everything possible from my arsenal. I wasn't going to lose this girl. Then when I found out about the ex-fiance and that he was still hanging around I tripled my war effort. But the second I caught her (or thought I had) I was confoundly bored out of my mind.
I am NOT using that stale old "it's the chase" arguement. That is what lame asses that can't keep genuinely sweet girls say to try to save face. That's a BS excuse and they know it. It wasn't the chase for me. I was just so busy trying to lock it down, that I didn't really get to know her and realize we really aren't at the same point. She, however, did.
After seeing each other for a while I asked her if she wanted to see this movie that I had heard about on the Oscars. The answer was "um... maybe." This was new.
"Maybe you want to see it? Or maybe you are busy?" It couldn't be the second... she doesn't "do" anything on Fridays.
"Um... I'll let you know."
"So Thursday comes and I'm talking to her and I ask in a coy tone, "So have you decided if you'll let me take you to see ::enter movie:: tomorrow?"
"Um... about that... I think I want to just be friends. Kickball is coming up and I don't want it to be ackward."
Let me repeat that... because I think it has earned the right to be repeated. AHEM...
"I think I want to just be friends. Kickball is coming up... and I don't want it to be awkward."
My verbal reaction. "That's a shame, I thought you were a really cool girl. We wouldn't want that. I guess I'll let you go."
"That's a shame???" "I thought you were a "really cool" girl?" "We wouldn't want kickball getting awkward???" Haha! It is seriously one of the BEST breakings I have ever been involved in. I mean I have told this one to everyone I know. I am sort of smiling as I retype it now. Fantastic verbal exchange!
And man, I put the phone down and felt so sad. Golly-gosh, Mrs. Cleaver told me I was too young for her. It was either the Kickball Team (of which I just realized many of you don't know about) or me... Mrs. Cleaver chose the Kickball Team.
(Many young singles and couples in Atlanta engage in a sport known as Kickball Sunday afternoons beginning in Spring. It's got a league and everything and is basically one of the most entertaining things to do on a Sunday afternoon. Drinking, flirting, networking, and grilling out follow just behind the kickball.)
Well I was really broken up that I had been "dumped." Haha... I was just too immature I guess... I didn't clean up all my toys and... wait a second! I was the one looking to break it off!!! What's with the flips huh? I was seeing her when I didn't want to see her and felt guilty, now I'm not seeing her and want to see her again and still feel guilty. This is why women get so many drunk dials from ex-boyfriends.
So Blake got dumped. That is so awesome I think. It's the first time in a long time. Not because I'm such a great guy (I'm not). But usually if something isn't going the way I think it should, I'll end it before it gets too serious. This time I was working with a woman that has been there done that, so she nipped the bud before it even started to grow. And I am telling you... I am TOTALLY cool with that!
In typical rebound fashion, I have already dove deep into a new batch of trouble. This one is a bit older as well (that seems to be a trend I'm developing) and would be what my friends describe as "freaking hot," not to be confused with "conventually pretty" or "freaking beautiful." (remember the criteria? Haha... maybe I'm just lame.) The only problem is she seems to be a little too good at the art of drinking. As in... professional. Finding an excuse to grab a drink (or drinks) at the Aquarium on a Saturday afternoon just doesn't seem normal. This is a little iffy right now... we'll see how the weekend goes.
Why am I hooked on this string of "issue" girls. I guess you get what you ask for. I stopped pursuing the "good girls" and have gotten mixed up in a different climate. It's a hotter climate, but that isn't always the best thing. St. Patricks day is upon us and I feel like being a little "professional" myself. Talk to you all sooner rather than later. Oh, and Bert Show better watch out. I'll be at Fado's new joint this Monday when they are on live. So if you or any of the Q-Crew get tried to be picked up by a guy holding a kickball and a letter from his Mom. You'll know that's me. See you there ATL. Slante!
PS. I just reread what I wrote about this girl a month ago... you should too. It's hilarious how things that are "interesting" and "new" can become "boring" after only a few weeks. Total 360 huh?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
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